The Warmest Billboard

Armée du Salut | Activation

Client :
Armée du Salut

During the Covid-19 crisis and the successive confinements, the homeless found themselves even more isolated. With no one on the streets to help them, precariousness has increased, making it necessary to create more winter emergency shelters. Despite the launch of the “Grandfroid” plan, many homeless people still remain alone without any resources during cold winter nights.

The Salvation Army created “The Warmest Billboard” the first truly useful ad that turns print ads inside traditional billboards into survival blankets. In addition to serve as an advertising medium to support their actions, the billboard protects people in distress from the cold and keep them safe from moisture.

Credits :
Creative Director — Emmanuel Lalleve
Senior copywriter — Celine Lescure
Creative Partner — Romain Froidevaux
Account Director — Cécile Balut
Account Manager — Emmanuelle Stiegler