Client :
Stratégie festival 2022 — Bronze — Alimentation
Cannes Lions 2022 — Shortlist — Direct / Data & Technology
One Show 2022 — Shortlist — Gaming / Brand game integration
Clio 2022 — Shortlist — Experience / Activation

Minecraft is the best-selling video game and the biggest players social community ever. To introduce its beef burger to a younger, hard to reach generation, Charal, the iconic French meat brand went where they are: on Minecraft, and ask them to do what they do best: BUILD.

The Buildboard Challenge: challenging players to build a virtual Charal burger promo billboard in Minecraft to get a real Charal burger in return.

To enhance the challenge, Charal has crafted a unique gaming brand experience. An adventure across 3 iconic cities to accomplish events, collect all the hidden resources, build virtual Charal promo billboards, post them and get real Charal burgers in return.

Virtual Charal burger billboards flooded social channels. Media took notice, and the most famous French gamers joined in – like Aypierre, streaming to his 2.3 million followers. 90.000+ players, 270.000+ hours of priceless brand engagement and 2million+ euros in earned media. The Minecraft community kept building, creating the first ever in-game billboard media plan entirely built by the players themselves.

Credits :
Chief Creative Officer — Dimitri Guerassimov
EMEA Chief Creative Officer — Jaime Mandelbaum
Creative Partner — Romain Froidevaux
Assistant Art Director — Leandre Thiriet
Head of Strategy — Franck Saelens
Head of Social — Marilou Vauth
Account Director — Cécile Balut
Account Manager — Emmanuelle Stiegler
Gaming Developper — Baptiste Huve
Director Production Maps — Axel Bierne